How many chemicals/drugs are supported?
Annotations for over 90M chemicals/drugs are pre-integrated.
How frequently is the chemical and drug annotation data updated?
Monthly updated chemical/drug annotations over 10 sources.. The most updated data information can be accessed here.
Want to suggest more chemical and drug annotation data?
File an issue here.
Can I get XML output instead of JSON output?
We currently do not provide XML output format. There exist many ready-to-use third-party libraries/packages to convert JSON format to XML format, e.g. Python packages dicttoxml and json2xml. They will be essentially the same packages we would use if decide to provide XML output format. For this reason and also for reducing the development complexity, we decided not to provide XML format.
What's behind is built on ElasticSearch, a document-based database and powerful query engine. Unlike more commonly used relational database systems (e.g., Oracle, MySQL), data are stored as "key-document" pairs. The "document" is a JSON-formatted chemical annotation object, while the "key" is a gene ID (Entrez or Ensembl). The hierarchical structure of chemical annotation data can be represented naturally in this key-document model. This simple object structure in ElasticSearch greatly simplified both data loading and data queries, and also gains impressive query performance and flexibility.
On top of ElasticSearch, we use tornado, a lightweighted and fast web framework in python, to build our application layer. And then Nginx is used as the front-end to serve outside requests.
Is this project open-sourced?
Yes. See "Source code" section at About page.
How to cite
see our citation page.
How to reach us?